Monday 29 October 2012

portaits mark i

some of my portrait shots.

Location : Singapore
Model: Bea

Sunday 3 June 2012

Macro Photography using extension tube

Since macro lenses are too expensive, a good alternative will be using an extension tube in between your camera body and your lens.
This tube extends the distance of your lens to the camera sensor. 

Macro lens ~$700
extension tube ~$10
savings ~$690

But using extension tubes also bring challenges for a macro enthusiast.  
You will lose light, and you need to shoot manually all the way.  It is good to shoot on a sunny day to compensate the light lost.

Some of my Macro shots using a cheap extension tube and a 50mm F1.8 prime lens.
These are dragonflies who like to pose for the camera.

a closer look at dragonfly's eyes

peek a boo!!!

posing for a shot!

Sunday 20 May 2012

Birds - they own the skies

Most of the photos are shot at Jurong Bird Park in Singapore.

lorries sharing food

a hawk performs during birds of play show

right through the hole

the owl

this little birdie doesn't bother going near people, especially if you have food.